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GEISA : spectroscopic database


What has changed


The spectral region 17-220 cm-1 has been updated using B. Bezard & I. Kleiner data (private communication 2008). Originally, the air broadening pressure halfwidths of those data corresponded to Saturn atmosphere. Consequently, we replaced them by the 0.075 default value, waiting for their recalculation. In the spectral region 770-3602 cm-1, the air broadening pressure halfwidths, have been originally calculated considering N2 broadening (because PH3 burns spontaneously in O2). They have been rescaled by a factor of 0.9 to be approximately in agreement with air atmosphere.

JULY 2012

A new section (Supplemental data) is available in the Data Access part of GEISA 2011 line transition parameters sub-database. This section contains partial or complete information about transition parameters of Earth and planetary atmosphere molecules. Those data were not introduced in the current GEISA 2011 on line edition, but could be of interest for the scientist community. A description is attached to each available file.

APRIL 2012

H2O changes

- The rotational quantum numbers identifications of 28 entries, between 1178.789 cm-1 and 1610.721 cm-1, have been corrected and/or completed;
- The quantum number of one entry at 25232.0041 cm-1 has been completed using HITRAN 2008 information.
- 5 entries, which should have been replaced by the update process, have been deleted.


SO2 changes

- The energy of the lower transition level of 10765 entries, between 1060.195 cm-1 and 2500.400 cm-1, has been corrected;


CH3CN changes

- The value of the parameter L (isotope number as in HITRAN) has been corrected and is now equal to “1”.


The “Transition analysis” option, in the interactive access page, has been improved. This option allows the extraction of a set of vibro-rotational transitions in a specified vibrational state. This vibrational state is identified by its upper and lower transition vibrational level quantum numbers, respectively in format fields E1 and E2. Now, the selection of fields E1 and E2 can be done via two drop-down menus, one for each field and specific of the selected molecule, isotopologue (s) and spectral range.


  • New UV collision-induced absorption cross-sections files for O2-O2 and O2-N2 have been added : data from Greenblatt et al. [58], of Newnham and Ballard [51], and of Vandaele et al. [46] are now available in the archive.

  • A new undefined value has been chosen for the parameter O (Air pressure shift). Indeed, the undefined value is no more “-9.999999; it is now equal to “0” (zero).

  • Technical changes related to suppressions of irrelevant entries and corrections of the following line parameters have been made :
    - E3 and E4 : Rotational quantum numbers
    - K : Molecule number as in HITRAN; the corresponding GEISA format undefined value (missing value) is “0” (zero);
    - L : Isotopologue number (1=most abundant, 2= second...etc) as in HITRAN; the corresponding GEISA format undefined value is “0” (zero);
    - M : Einstein A-coefficient; the corresponding GEISA format undefined value is “-9.999E-01”.

    H2O changes

    - The rotational quantum number identifications of 1457 entries have been corrected and/or completed;
    - 1567 entries which had no rotational quantum number and 1583 entries, which had no “energy of the lower transition level”, have been completed, using HITRAN 2008 information;
    - The parameters C, F, O and/or R have been completed for 20 entries. Those parameters were missing due to a mistake in the line list update process.
    - 280 entries, which should have been replaced by the update process, have been deleted.


    CO2 changes

    95 duplicate entries have been deleted in the spectral range 4606.77 - 4677.48 cm-1.


    N2O changes

    The value of the parameter L for isotopologues 458, 548 and 556 is now equal to “0”.


    CH4 changes

    133 entries have been deleted, i.e.:
    - 73 of 13CH4, in the spectral range 5898.24 - 6069.08cm-1, which should have been replaced in the update process;
    - 60 of 12CH4 , in the spectral range 3312.10 - 9199.28cm-1,which were duplicate entries.


    NO changes

    The rotational quantum number of 15,112 entries has been completed. Those changes concern only the main isotopologue. As a consequence, for all the lines, the format of this field has been slightly shifted.


    SO2 changes

    The rotational quantum numbers of 116 entries has been modified. Those changes concern only the ν3 band of 32S16O2 in the spectral range 2661.84 - 2771.04 cm-1.


    PH3 changes

    Two duplicate entries have been deleted.
    The value “0” of the parameter M has been changed to “-9.999E-01”.


    OH changes

    The rotational quantum number of 41,786 entries has been completed, which represents 97% of the OH lines.


    HCl changes

    The rotational quantum number of 184 lines has been completed in the spectral range 20.84 - 226.89 cm-1.


    HBr changes

    The rotational quantum number identifications of 1011 lines have been completed. Those changes concern the pure rotational transitions and the ν1 bands. As a consequence, for all the lines, the format of this field has been slightly shifted.


    HI changes

    The rotational quantum number identifications of 618 entries have been completed. Those changes concern the pure rotational transitions in the ν1 band. As a consequence, the format of this field has been slightly shifted for all the related entries.


    OCS changes

    For isotope 634, the value of parameter L is now equal to “0”.


    HCN changes

    153 entries have been deleted; those entries should have been replaced in the update process; it concerns the main isotopologue in the spectral range 2580.35 - 3635.72 cm-1.
    The value of the parameter L for isotopologue 224 is now equal to “0.


    COF2 changes

    12,846 entries, in the spectral range 1856.73 - 1984.43 cm-1, have been deleted; those entries should have been replaced in the update process.


    ClONO2 changes

    The format of rotational quantum numbers has been slightly shifted.


    CF4 changes

    The value of the parameter K has been corrected and is now equal to “42”.


    CH3CN changes

    The value of the parameter K has been corrected and is now equal to “41”.