ESPRI Data Centre (former Ether)

ESPRI is a data centre of the French Atmosphere Infrastructure AERIS

The SALOMON-N2 Instrument : Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et Nox - Nacelle 2


      SALOMON-N2 is a UV-visible balloon-borne spectrometer designed, like SALOMON, to obtain vertical profiles of ozone, nitrogen, chlorine and bromine species and the extinction coefficient of aerosols, at altitudes between 15 and 40 km. SALOMON-N2 is involved in the validation programmes of the ENVISAT satellite.

Product information

      SALOMON-N2 data sets are available from Ether from the period 2009-08-25. The data are level 2 vertical profiles. They were provided by Gwenael Berthet at LPC2E/CNRS.

      Further information


Data available from Ether

Last update : 2017/12/20
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