ESPRI Data Centre (former Ether)

ESPRI is a data centre of the French Atmosphere Infrastructure AERIS

Gosat home page
Data reprocessing


Data from GOSAT mission

Introduction :

GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite) was launched in a sun-synchronous orbit with an equator crossing time at 13:00 (descending node) by a JAXA H-IIA rocket in January 23, 2009 and is acquiring data on the global distribution of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) (column averaged mixing ratio) for at least five years.
Two observation sensors, TANSO-FTS (Fourier Transform Spectrometer) and TANSO-CAI (Cloud and Aerosol Imager) are placed in the Earth-facing plane (+Z i.e. nadir) of the satellite, which is operated by a three-axis attitude control system in such a way that the sensors keep looking toward the geocentric direction (900 km maximum swath, 3 day repeat cycle).

Available data in Ether :

Three types of GOSAT data for the year 2010 can be accessed on ciclad (IPSL cluster) following this path : /etherfs/gosat
- TANSO-FTS : L1B and L2 (directory FTS/L1B[L2]/YYYY/MM/DD)
- TANSO-CAI : L1B+ and L2 (directory CAI/L1B+[L2]/YYYY/MM/DD)
- Spectrally calibrated TANSO-FTS spectra over TCCON and solar village sites (directory TCCON_+_Solar_Village)

Documentation on data format are available from the directory /etherfs/gosat/DOC.
To open an account on ciclad cluster, fill in the form available at this address :

The access to GOSAT data is restricted. To obtain more information about the rights on these data, please contact Sébastien Payan , French co-investigator of GOSAT and coordinator of the scientific activities supported by CNES (through the TOSCA committee).
Last update : 2017/12/20
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