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MORGANE campaign : Daily production of Potential Vorticity maps from High Resolution Transport Model MIMOSA

- MORGANE overview

The aim of the MORGANE campaign is to make a first validation of the MAIDO LIDAR humidity (from April 2013 to June 2015). The campaign will permit also to validate the measure of density and temperature of the same lidar in the objective of the NDACC qualification.
To help this validation, potential vorticity maps from high resolution transport model MIMOSA are produced daily (analysis and forecast). High resolution of potential vorticity data profiles are available above the Reunion Island.

- MORGANE campaign : Potential vorticity forecasts from 31 october (J) to day J+5

PV - MORGANE campaign Maps
PV Analysis - 330K 330K - 24h 330K - 48h 330K - 72h 330K - 96h 330K - 120h
PV Analysis - 340K 340K - 24h 340K - 48h 340K - 72h 340K - 96h 340K - 120h
PV Analysis - 350K 350K - 24h 350K - 48h 350K - 72h 350K - 96h 350K - 120h
PV Analysis - 360K 360K - 24h 360K - 48h 360K - 72h 360K - 96h 360K - 120h
PV Analysis - 380K 380K - 24h 380K - 48h 380K - 72h 380K - 96h 380K - 120h
PV Analysis - 400K 400K - 24h 400K - 48h 400K - 72h 400K - 96h 400K - 120h
PV Analysis - 420K 420K - 24h 420K - 48h 420K - 72h 420K - 96h 420K - 120h
PV Analysis - 435K 435K - 24h 435K - 48h 435K - 72h 435K - 96h 435K - 120h
PV Analysis - 475K 475K - 24h 475K - 48h 475K - 72h 475K - 96h 475K - 120h
PV Analysis - 550K 550K - 24h 550K - 48h 550K - 72h 550K - 96h 550K - 120h
PV Analysis - 675K 675K - 24h 675K - 48h 675K - 72h 675K - 96h 675K - 120h
PV Analysis - 950K 950K - 24h 950K - 48h 950K - 72h 950K - 96h 950K - 120h