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NDACC : réseau de surveillance de la stratosphère


Publications (1996 ,1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002)
Autres publications (2000, 2001, 2002)
Rapports et notes




Barbe, A., L. Regalia, J.J. Plateaux, P. Von der heyden and X. Thomas, Temperature dependance of N2 and O2 broadening coefficients of ozone, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 180, 175-180, 1996.

Barbe, A. and J.J. Plateaux, Analysis of the 2v1+2v3 band of ozone: line positions and intensities, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer , 55, 449-455, 1996.

Barbe, A., O. Sulakshina, J.J. Plateaux, V.G. Tyuterev and S. Bouazza, Line positions and intensities of the 3v1+v3 band ozone, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 175, 296-302, 1996.

Camy-Peyret, C., B. Bergqvist, B. Galle, M. Carleer, C. Clerbaux, R. Colin, C. Fayt, F. Goutail, M. Nunes Pinharanda, J.P. Pommereau, M. Hausmann, U. Platt, I. Pundt, T. Rudolph, C. Hermans, P.C. Simon, A.C. Vandaele, J.M.C. Plane and N. Smith, Intercomparison of instruments for tropospheric measurements using differential optical absorption spectroscopy, J. Atmos. Chem., 23, 51-80, 1996.

Fishbein, E.F., R.E. Cofield, L. Froidevaux, R.F. Jarnot, T. Lungu, W.G. Read, Z. Shippony, J.W. Waters, I.S. McDermid, T.J. McGee, U.N. Singh, M. Gross, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, M.E. Gelman and R.M. Nagatani, Validation of UARS Microwave Limb Sounder temperature and pressure measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 9983-10016, 1996.

Gille, J.C., P.L. Bailey, S.T. Massie, L.V. Lyjak, D.P. Edwards, A.E. Roche, J.B. Kumer, J.L. Mergenthaler, M.R. Gross, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, T.J. McGee, I.S. McDermid, A.J. Miller and U. Singh, Accuracy and precision of Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer (CLAES) temperature retrievals, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 9583-9601, 1996.

Hervig, M.E., J.M. Russell III, L.L. Gordley, S.R. Drayson, K. Stone, R.E. Thompson, M.E. Gelman, I.S. McDermid, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, T.J. McGee, U.N. Singh and M.R. Gross, Validation of temperature measurements from the Halogen Occultation Experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 10277-10285, 1996.

Keckhut, P., M.E. Gelman, J.D. Wild, F. Tissot, A.J. Miller, A. Hauchecorne, M.L. Chanin, E.F. Fishbein, J. Gille, J.M. Russell III and F.W. Taylor, Semidiurnal and diurnal temperature tides (30-55 km): climatology and effect on UARS-LIDAR data comparisons, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 10299-10310, 1996.

Pommereau, J.P., Physics and chemistry of the stratosphere, C.R. Acad. Sci. Sér. II a, 322, 811-820, 1996.

Ricaud, P., J. De la Noe, B.J. Connor, L. Froidevaux, J.W. Waters, R.S. Harwood, I.A. Mackenzie and G.E. Peckham, Diurnal variability of mesospheric ozone as measured by the UARS microwave limb sounder instrument: theoretical and ground-based validations, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 10077-10089, 1996.

Singh, U.N., P. Keckhut, T.J. McGee, M.R. Gross, A. Hauchecorne, E.F. Fishbein, J.W. Waters, J.C. Gille, A.E. Roche and J.M. Russell III, Stratospheric temperature measurements by two collocated NDSC lidars at OHP during UARS validation campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 10287-10297, 1996.

Van Haver, P., D. De Muer, M. Beekmann and C. Mancier, Climatology of tropopause folds at midlatitudes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 1033-1036, 1996.

Von Cossart, G., P. Hoffmann, U. Von Zahn, P. Keckhut and A. Hauchecorne, Mid-latitude noctilucent cloud observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 2919-2922, 1996.

Zarader, J.L., G. Ancellet, A. Dabas, N.K. M'Sirdi and P.H. Flamant, Performance of an adaptative notch filter for spectral analysis of coherent lidar signals, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 13, 13-28, 1996.


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Ancellet, G. and M. Beekmann, Evidence for changes in the ozone concentrations in the free troposphere over Southern France from 1976 to 1995, Atmos. Environ., 31, 2835-2851, 1997.

Beekmann, M., G. Ancellet, S. Blonsky, D. De Muer, A. Ebel, H. Elbern, J. Hendricks, J. Kowol, C. Mancier, R. Sladkovic, H.G.J. Smit, P. Speth, T. Trickl and P. Van Haver, Regional and global tropopause fold occurrence and related ozone flux across the tropopause, J. Atmos. Chem., 28, 29-44, 1997.

David, C., S. Godin, G. Mégie, Y. Emery and C. Flesia, Physical state and composition of polar stratospheric clouds inferred from airborne lidar measurements during SESAME, J. Atmos. Chem., 27, 1-16, 1997.

Gibson-Wilde, D.E., R.A. Vincent, C. Souprayen, S. Godin, A. Hertzog and S.D. Eckermann, Dual lidar observations of mesoscale fluctuations of ozone and horizontal winds, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1627-1630, 1997.

Hamdouni, A., A. Barbe, P. Demoulin and R. Zander, Retrieval of ozone vertical column amounts from ground-based high resolution infrared solar spectra, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer , 57, 11-22, 1997.

Hoiskar, B.A.K., A. Dahlbak, G. Vaughan, G.O. Braathen, F. Goutail, J.P. Pommereau and R. Kivi, Interpretation of ozone measurements by ground-based visible spectroscopy - A study of seasonal dependence of airmass factors for ozone on climatology data, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer , 57, 569-579, 1997.

Leblanc, T. and A. Hauchecorne, Recent observations of mesospheric temperature inversions, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 19471-19482, 1997.

Ricaud, P., J. De la Noe, R. Lauque and A. Parrish, Analysis of stratospheric ClO measurements made by a ground-based radiometer located at Plateau de Bure, France, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 1423-1439, 1997.

Sarkissian, A., G. Vaughan, H.K. Roscoe, L.M. Bartlett, F.M. O'Connor, D.G. Drew, P.A. Hughes and D. Moore, Accuracy of measurements of total ozone by a SAOZ ground-based zenith-sky visible spectrometer, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 1379-1390, 1997.

Sherlock, V.J., N.B. Jones, W.A. Andrews, F.J. Murcray, R.D. Blatherwick, D.G. Murcray, A. Goldman, C.P. Rinsland, C. Bernado and D.W.T. Griffith, Increase in the vertical column abundance of HCFC-22 (CHClF2)above Lauder, New Zealand, between 1985 and 1994, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 8861-8865, 1997.

Slusser, J.R., D.J. Fish, E.K. Strong, R.L. Jones, H.K. Roscoe and A. Sarkissian, Five years of NO2 vertical column measurements at faraday (65°S): evidence for the hydrolysis of BrONO2 on Pinatubo aerosols, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 12987-12993, 1997.

Van Roozendael,M., M. De Mazière, C. Hermans, P.C. Simon, J.P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, X.X. Tie, G.P. Brasseur and C. Granier, Ground-based observations of stratospheric NO2 at high and mid-latitudes in Europe after the Mount Pinatubo eruption, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 19171-19176, 1997.

Vaughan, G., H.K. Roscoe, L.M. Bartlett, F.M. O'Connor, A. Sarkissian, M. Van Roozendael, J.C. Lambert, P.C. Simon, K. Karlsen, B.A. Kastad Hoiskar, D.J. Fish, R.L. Jones, R. Freshwater, J.P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, S.B. Andersen, D.J. Drew, P.A. Hughes, D. Moore, J. Mellqvist, E. Hegels, T. Klupfel, F. Erle, K. Pfeilsticker and U. Platt, An intercomparison of ground-based UV-visible sensors of ozone and NO2, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 1411-1422, 1997.


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Baray, J.L., G. Ancellet, F.G. Taupin, M. Bessafi, S. Baldy and P. Keckhut, Subtropical tropopause break as a possible stratosphere source of ozone in the tropical troposphere, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 60, 27-36, 1998.

Bergeret, V., S. Bekki, S. Godin and G. Mégie, Analyse des variations saisonnières de l'ozone antarctique dans la basse stratosphère à partir des données lidar et sonde de Dumont d'Urville, C.R. Acad. Sci. Sér. II a, 326, 751-756, 1998.

David, C., S. Bekki, S. Godin, G. Mégie and M.P. Chipperfield, Polar stratospheric clouds climatology over Dumont d'Urville between 1989 and 1993 and the influence of volcanic aerosols on their formation , J. Geophys. Res., 103, 22163-22180, 1998.

De la Noe, J., O. Lezeaux, G. Guillemin, R. Lauque, P. Baron and P. Ricaud, A ground-based microwave radiometer dedicated to stratospheric ozone monitoring, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 22147-22161, 1998.

De Maziere, M., M. Van Roozendael, C. Hermans, P.C. Simon, P. Demoulin, G. Roland and R. Zander, Quantitative evaluation of the post-Pinatubo NO2 reduction and recovery, based on 10 years of FTIR and UV-Visible, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 10849-10858, 1998.

Harris, N., G. Ancellet, L. Bishop, D. Hofmann, J. Kerr, R. Mcpeters, M. Prendez, W. Randel, J. Staehelin, B. Subbaraya, A. Volz-Thomas, J. Zawodny and C. Zerefos, Trends in stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 1571-1590, 1998.

Leblanc, T., I.S. McDermid, P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne, C.Y. She and D.A. Krueger, Temperature climatology of the middle atmosphere from long-term lidar measurements at middle and low latitudes, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 17191-17204, 1998.

Leblanc, T., I.S. McDermid, A. Hauchecorne and P. Keckhut, Evaluation of optimization of lidar temperature analysis algorithms using simulated data, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 6177-6187, 1998.

Mandel, H., D. Labs, G. Thuillier, M. Herse, P.C. Simon and D. Gillotay, Calibration of the SOLSPEC spectrometer to measure the solar irradiance from space, Metrologia, 35, 697-700, 1998.

Milton M.J., G. Ancellet, A. Apituley, J. Bosenberg, W. Carnuth, F. Castagnoli, T. Trickl, H. Edner, L. Stefanutti, T. Schaberl, A. Sunesson and C. Weitkamp, Raman-shifted laser sources suitable for differential-absorption lidar measurements of ozone in the troposphere, Appl. Phys. B, Photophys. Laser Chem., 66, 105-113, 1998.

Pundt, I., J.P. Pommereau, C. Phillips and E. Lateltin, Upper limit of iodine oxide in the lower stratosphere, J. Atmos. Chem., 30, 173-185, 1998.

Randriambelo, T., S. Baldy, M. Bessafi, M. Petit and M. Despinoy, An improved detection and characterization of active fires and smoke plumes in south-eastern Africa and Madacascar, Int. J. Remote Sens., 19, 2623-2638, 1998.

Ricaud, Ph., E. Monnier, F. Goutail, J.P. Pommereau, C. David, S. Godin, L. Froidevaux, J.W. Waters, J.L. Mergenthaler, A.E. Roche, H. Pumphrey and M.P. Chipperfield, The stratosphere over Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica, in winter 1992, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 13267-13284, 1998.

Van Roozendael, M., P. Peeters, H.K. Roscoe, H. De Backer, A.E. Jones, L. Bartlett, G. Vaughan, F. Goutail, J.P. Pommereau, E. Kyro, C. Wahlstrom, G. Braathen and P.C. Simon, Validation of ground-based visible measurements of total ozone by comparison with Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers, J. Atmos. Chem., 29, 55-83, 1998.


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Baray, J.L., J. Leveau, J. Porteneuve, G. Ancellet, P. Keckhut, F. Posny and S. Baldy, Description and evaluation of a tropospheric ozone lidar implemented on an existing lidar in the southern subtropics, Appl. Opt., 1999. (soumis)

Baray, J.L., G. Ancellet, T. Randriambelo and S. Baldy, Tropical cyclone Marlene and stratosphere-troposphere exchange, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 13953-13970, 1999.

Bencherif, H., P. Keckhut, J. Leveau, A. Hauchecorne, C. Brogniez, G. Mégie, M. Bessafi and J.D. Lan Sun Luk, Vertical structure of the planetary waves in the tropical middle atmosphere derived from lidar profiles, J. Geophys. Res., 1999. (soumis)

Cairo, F., A. Adriani, G. Didonfrancesco, L. Pulvirenti and F. Fierli, A comparison of various linear depolarization parameters measured by lidar, Appl. Opt., 1999. (soumis)

Chane-Ming, F., F. Molinaro, J. Leveau, P. Keckhut and A. Hauchecorne, Analysis of gravity wave in the tropical middle atmosphere with lidar using wavelet techniques, Ann. Geophys., 1999. (soumis)

Deshler, T., B. Nardi, A. Adriani, F. Cairo, G. Hansen and F. Fierli, Determining thge index of refraction of polar stratospheric clouds above Andoya (69°N) by combining size resolved concentration and optical scattering measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 1999. (soumis)

Goutail, F., J.P. Pommereau, C. Phillips, C. Deniel, A. Sarkissian, F. Lefèvre, E. Kyro, M. Rummukainen, P. Ericksen, S.B. Andersen, B.A. Kaastad-Hoiskar, G. Braathen, V. Dorokhov and V.U. Khattatov, Depletion of column ozone in the Arctic during the winters of 1993-94 and 1994-95, J. Atmos. Chem., 32, 1-34, 1999.

Guirlet, M., P. Keckhut, S. Godin and G. Mégie, Description of the long-term ozone data series obtained from different instrumental techniques at a single location: The Observatoire de Haute-Provence (43.9 °N, 5.7°E), J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 1999. (soumis)

Keckhut, P. and K. Kodera, Long-term changes of the upper stratosphere as seen by rocketsondes at Ryori (39°N, 141°E), Ann. Geophys., 1999. (in press)

Keckhut, P., F.J. Schmidlin, A. Hauchecorne and M.L. Chanin, Stratospheric and mesospheric cooling trend estimates from U.S. rocketsondes at low latitude stations (8°S-34°N), taking into account instrumental changes and natural variability, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 61, 447-459, 1999.

Lambert, J.C., M. Van Roozendael, M. De Mazière, P.C. Simon, J.P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, A. Sarkissian and J.F. Gleason, Investigation of pole-to-pole performances of spaceborne atmospheric chemistry sensors with the NDSC, J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 176-193, 1999.

Leblanc, T., I.S. McDermid and D.A. Ortland, Lidar observations of the middle atmospheric thermal tides and comparison with the High Resolution Doppler Imager and Global-Scale Wave Model. 2. October observations at Mauna Loa (19.5°N), J. Geophys. Res., 104, 11931-11938, 1999.

Leblanc, T., I.S. McDermid and D.A. Ortland, Lidar observations of the middle atmospheric thermal tides and comparison with the High Resolution Doppler Imager and Global-Scale Wave Model. 1. Methodology and winter observations at Table Mountain (34.4°N), J. Geophys. Res., 104, 11917-11929, 1999.

Mehrtens, H., U. Von Zahn, F. Fierli, B. Nardi and T. Deshler, Type I PSC-particle properties: Measurements at ALOMAR 1995 to 1997, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 603-606, 1999.

Pfeilsticker, K., D.W. Arlander, J.P. Burrows, F. Erle, M. Gil, F. Goutail, C. Hermans, J.C. Lambert, U. Platt, J.P. Pommereau, A. Richter, A. Sarkissian, M. Van Roozendael, T. Wagner and T. Winterrath, Intercomparison of the influence of tropospheric clouds on UV-visible absorptions detected during the NDSC intercomparison campaign at OHP in June 1996, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1169-1172, 1999.

Ramaswamy, V., M.L. Chanin, J. Angell, J. Barnett, D. Gaffen, M.E. Gelman, P. Keckhut, Y. Koshelkov, K. Labitzke, J.J.R. Lin, A. O'Neill, J. Nash, W. Randel, R. Rood, K. Shine, M. Shiotani and R. Swinbank, Stratospheric temperature changes: observations and model simulations, Rev. Geophys., 1999. (in press)

Randriambelo, T., J.L. Baray and S. Baldy, The effect of biomass burning, convection and transport on tropospheric ozone over the Indian Ocean: Reunion Island field observations, J. Geophys. Res., 1999. (soumis)

Randriambelo, T., J.L. Baray, S. Baldy, P. Bremaud and S. Cautenet, A case study of extreme tropospheric ozone contamination in the tropics using in-situ, satellite and meteorological data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1999. (in press)

Ricaud, Ph., M.P. Chipperfield, J.W. Waters and J.M. Russell iii, Temporal evolution of chlorine monoxide in the middle stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 1999. (soumis)

Roscoe, H.K., P.V. Johnston, M. Van Roozendael, A. Richter, A. Sarkissian, J. Roscoe, K.E. Preston, J.C. Lambert, C. Hermans, W. Decuyper, S. Dzienus, T. Winterrath, J. Burrows, F. Goutail, J.P. Pommereau, E. D'Almeida, J. Hottier, C. Coureul, R. Didier, I. Pundt, L.M. Bartlett, C.T. McElroy, J.E. Kerr, A. Elokhov, G. Giovanelli, F. Ravegnani, M. Premuda, I. Kostadinov, F. Erle, T. Wagner, K. Pfeilsticker, M. Kenntner, L.C. Marquard, M. Gil, O. Puentedura, M. Yela, D.W. Arlander, B.A. Kastad Hoiskar, C.W. Tellefsen, K. Karlsen Tornqvist, B. Heese, R.L. Jones, S.R. Aliwell and R.A. Freshwater, Slant column measurements of O3 and NO2 during the NDSC intercomparison of zenith-sky UV-visible spectrometers in june 1996, J. Atmos. Chem., 32, 281-314, 1999.

Shepherd, G.G., J. Stegman, P. Espy, G. Thuillier and R.H. Wiens, Springtime transition in the lower thermospheric atomic oxygen, J. Geophys. Res., 1999. (in press)

Sherlock, V.J., J. Lenoble and A. Hauchecorne, Methodology for the independant calibration of Raman backscatter water vapour lidar systems, Appl. Opt., 1999. (in press)

Sherlock, V.J., A. Garnier, A. Hauchecorne and P. Keckhut, Implementation and characterisation of a Raman backscatter lidar measurement of mid and upper tropospheric water vapour, Appl. Opt., 1999. (in press)

Souprayen, C., A. Garnier and A. Hertzog, Rayleigh-Mie Doppler wind lidar for atmospheric measurements. II. Mie scattering effect, theory and calibration, Appl. Opt., 38, 2422-2431, 1999.

Souprayen, C., A. Garnier, A. Hertzog, A. Hauchecorne and J. Porteneuve, Rayleigh-Mie Doppler wind lidar for atmospheric measurement. I. Instrumental setup, validation and first climatological results, Appl. Opt., 38, 2410-2421, 1999.


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Bekki, S., David, C., Law, K., Smith, D.M., Coelho, D., Thovert, J.F., and Adler, P.M., 2000, Uptake on fractal particles: 2. Applications, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 3917-3928.

Guirlet, M., Keckhut, P., Godin, S. and Megie, G., 2000, Description of the long-term ozone data series obtained from different instrumental techniques at a single location: the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (43.9 °N, 5.7°E), Ann. Geophys., 18, 1325-1339.

Kowol-santen, J. and Ancellet, G., 2000, Mesoscale analysis of transport across the subtropical tropopause, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 3345-3348.

Lambert, J.C., Van Roozendael, M., Simon, P.C., Pommereau, J.P., Goutail, F., Gleason, J.F., Andersen, S.B., Arlander, D.W., Buivan, N.A., Claude, H., De La Noe, J., De Maziere, M., Dorokhov, V., Eriksen, P., Green, A., Karlsen Tornqvist, K., Kastad Hoiskar, B.A., Kyro, E., Leveau, J., Merienne, M.F., Milinnevsky, G., Roscoe, H.K., Sarkissian, A., Shanklin, J.D., Staehelin, J., Wahlstrom Tellefsen, C. and Vaughan, G., 2000, Combined characterisation of GOME and TOMS total ozone measurements from space using ground-based observations from the NDSC, Adv. Space Res., 26, 1931-1940.

Newchurch, M.J., Bishop, L., Cunnold, D., Flynn, L.E., Godin, S., Hollandsworth, S., Hood, L., Miller, A.J., Oltmans, S., Randel, W., Reinsel, G., Stolarski, R., Wang, R., Yang, E.S. and Zawodny, J.M., 2000, Upper-stratospheric ozone trends 1979-1998,
J. Geophys. Res., 105, 14625-14636.

Schultz, A., Rex, M., Steger, J., Harris, N.R.P., Braathen, G.O., Reimer, E., Alfier, R., Beck, A., Alpers, M., Cisneros, J., Claude, H., De Backer, H., Dier, H., Dorokhov, V., Fast, H., Godin, S., Hansen, G., Kanzawa, H., Kois, B., Kondo, Y., Kosmidis, E., Kyro, E., Litynska, Z., Molyneux, M.J., Murphy, G., Nakane, H., Parrondo, C., Ravegnani, F., Varotsos, C., Vialle, C., Viatte, P., Yushkov, V., Zerefos, C. and Von Der Gathen, P., 2000, Match observations in the Arctic winter 1996/97: high stratospheric ozone loss rates correlate with low temperatures deep inside the polar vortex,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 205-208.

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Goldfarb, L., Keckhut, P., Chanin, M.L. and Hauchecorne, A., 2001, Cirrus climatological results from lidar measurements at OHP (44°N, 6°E),
Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1687-1690.

Hertzog, A., Souprayen, C. and Hauchecorne, A., 2001, Observation and backward trajectory of an inertio-gravity wave in the lower stratosphere,
Ann. Geophys., 19, 1141-1155.

Hertzog, A., Souprayen, C. and Hauchecorne, A., 2001, Measurements of gravity wave activity in the lower stratosphere by Doppler lidar,
J. Geophys. Res., 106, 7879-7890.

Keckhut, P., 2001, Temperature trends in the stratosphere and mesosphere, Adv. Space Res., 28, 955-959.

Keckhut, P., Wild, J.D., Gelman, M.E., MillerI, A.J. and Hauchecorne, A., 2001, Investigations on long-term temperature changes in the upper stratosphere using lidar data and NCEP analyses, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 7937-7944.

Ramaswamy, V., Chanin, M.L., Angell, J., Barnett, J., Gaffen, D., Gelman, M.E., Keckhut, P., Koshelkov, Y., Labitzke, K., Lin, J.J.R., O'neill, A., Nash, J., Randel, W., Rood, R., Shine, K., Shiotani, M. and Swinbank, R., 2001, Stratospheric temperature trends: observations and model simulations, Rev. Geophys., 39, 71-122.

Schulz, A., Rex, M., Harris, N.R.P., Braathen, G.O., Reimer, E., Alfier, R., Kilbane-DaweI, I., Eckermann, S., Allaart, M., Alpers, M., Bojkov, B.R., Cisneros, J., Claude, H., Cuevas, E., Davies, J., De Backer, H., Dier, H., Dorokhov, V., Fast, H., Godin, S., Johnson, B., Kois, B., Kondo, Y., Kosmidis, E., Kyro, E., Litynska, Z., Mikkelsen, I.S., Molyneux, M.J., Murphy, G., Nagai, T., Nakane, H., O'connor, F., Parrondo, C., Schmidlin, F.J., Skrivankova, P., Varotsos, C., Vialle, C., Viatte, P., Yushkov, V., Zerefos, C. and Von Der Gathen, P., 2001, Arctic ozone loss in threshold conditions: Match observations in 1997/98 and 1998/99,
J. Geophys. Res., 106, 7495-7503.

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Bojkov, R.D., Kosmidis, E., De Luisi, J., Petropavlovskikh, I., Fioletov, V.E., Godin, S. and Zerefos, C., 2002, Vertical ozone distribution characteristics deduced from 44,000 re-evaluated Umkehr profiles (1957-2000), Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 79, 127-158.

Bradshaw, N.G., Vaughan, G. and Ancellet, G., 2002, Generation of layering in the lower stratosphere by a breaking Rossby wave, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D2), 10.1029/2001JD000432.

Fierli, F., Hauchecorne, A., Bekki, S., Theodore, B. and Fanton D'andon, O., 2002, Data assimilation of stratospheric ozone using a high-resolution transport model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10), 10.1029/2001GL014272.

Godin, S., Marchand, M. and Hauchecorne, A., 2002, Influence of the arctic polar vortex erosion on the lower stratospheric ozone amounts at Haute-Provence Observatory (44°N, 6°E), J. Geophys. Res., 107(D ), 10.129/2001JD000516.

Godin-Beekmann, S., Porteneuve, J. and Garnier, A., 2002, Systematic DIAL lidar monitoring of the stratospheric ozone vertical distribution at Observatoire de Haute provence (43.92°N, 5.71°E),
J. Environ. Monit., 4, (in press).

Hauchecorne, A., Godin, S., Marchand, M., Heese, B. and Souprayen, C., 2002, Quantification of the transport of chemical constituents from the polar vortex to middle latitudes in the lower stratosphere using the high-resolution advection model MIMOSA and effective diffusivity,
J. Geophys. Res., 107(D ), 10.129/2001JD000491.

Hertzog, A., Souprayen, C. and Hauchecorne, A., 2002, Eikonal simulations for the formation and the maintenance of atmospheric gravity wave spectra, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D12), 10.129/2001JD000815.

Marchand, M., Godin, S., Hauchecorne, A., Lefevre, F., Bekki, S. and Chipperfield, M., 2002, Influene of polar ozone loss on northern mid-latitude regions estimated by a high resolution chemistry transport model during winter 1999-2000, J. Geophys. Res., 107, (in press).

Morel, B., Bencherif, H., Keckhut, P., Baldy, S. and Hauchecorne, A., 2002, Evidence of tidal perturbations in the middle atmosphere over Southern Tropics as deduced from LIDAR data analyses, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 64, 1979-1988.

Remsberg, E., Deaver, L., Wells, J., Lingenfelser, G., Bhatt, P., Gordley, L., Thompson, R., Mchugh, M., Russell, J.M., Keckhut, P. and Schmidlin, F., 2002, An assessment of the quality of Halogen Occultation Experiment temperature profiles in the mesosphere based on comparisons with Rayleigh backscatter lidar and inflatable falling sphere measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D ), 10.1029/2001JD001521.

Salby, M., Sassi, F., Callaghan, P., Wu, D., Keckhut, P. and Hauchecorne, A., 2002, Mesospheric inversions and their relationship to planetary wave structure, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D4), 10.1029/2001JD000756.

Salby, M.L., Callaghan, P., Keckhut, P., Godin, S. and Guirlet, M., 2002, Interannual changes of temperature and ozone: relationship between the lower and the upper stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D18), 10.1029/2001JD000421.

Shepherd, M.G., Espy, P.J., She, C.Y., Hocking, W., Keckhut, P., Gavrilyeva, G., Shepherd, G.G. and Naujokat, B., 2002, Springtime transition in upper mesospheric temperature in the northern hemisphere, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 64, 1183-1199.

Wu, D.L., Read, W.G., Shippony, Z., Leblanc, T., Duck, T.J., Ortland, D.A., SicaI, R.J., Argall, P.S., Oberheide, J., Hauchecorne, A., Keckhut, P., She, C.Y. and Krueger, D.A., 2003, Mesospheric temperature from UARS MLS: retrieval and validation, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 65, 245-267.


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Autres publications (2000, 2001, 2002)


Bekki, S., Bergeret, V., Khattatov, B., Godin, S., Megie, G., Goutail, F. and Pommereau, J.P., 2000, On the use of assimilation techniques for validing satellite chemical data in: Atmospheric Ozone. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000, 171-172.

Godin, S., Zerefos, C., Kosmidis, E., Tourpali, K., Cuevas, E., Guzzi, D., Stefanutti, L., Bojkov, R.D., De Luisi, J., Petropavlovskikh, I. and Thuissen, D., 2000, Reconstruction of Vertical ozone distribution from Umkehr Estimates (REVUE), in: Atmospheric Ozone. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000, 69-70.

Goldfarb, L., Keckhut, P., Chanin, M.L. and Hauchecorne, A., 2000, A climatological study of cirrus clouds by lidar at OHP, in: 2nd SPARC General Assembly, Mar des Plata, Argentine, 6-10 November 2000 (available at www.aerov.jussieu.fr/~sparc).

Goldfarb, L., Keckhut, P., Chanin, M.L. and Hauchecorne, A., 2000, Cirrus climatological results from lidar measurements at OHP, in: European Workshop on Aviation Aerosols, Contrails and Cirrus Clouds, Seeheim, Germany, 10-12 July, 2000.

Goldfarb, L., Keckhut, P., Chanin, M.L., Thuillier, G. and Hauchecorne, A., 2000, Systematic measurements of cirrus profiles observed at OHP from 1997-present, in: 20th International Laser and Radar Conference, July, 10-14, 2000, Vichy, France.

Guirlet, M., Keckhut, P., Godin, S. and Megie, G., 2000, Long-term monitoring and trends of stratospheric ozone at Observatoire de Haute-Provence (43.9° N, 5.75° E) using different instrumental techniques, in: Air Pollution Research Report 73. Stratospheric Ozone 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, 27 september to 1 October 1999, Saint Jean de Luz, France, N.R.P. Harris, M. Guirlet and G.T. Amanatidis (ed.), European Commission, 83-86.

Guirlet, M., Godin, S. and Megie, G., 2000, Influence of transport of polar air on stratospheric ozone variability at Observatoire de Haute-Provence (43.9°N, 5.75°E) between 1985 and 1995, in: Air Pollution Research Report 73. Stratospheric Ozone 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, 27 september to 1 October 1999, Saint Jean de Luz, France, N.R.P. Harris, M. guirlet and G.T. Amanatidis (ed.), European Commission, 502-505.

Keckhut, P., Hauchecorne, A., Chanin, M.L., Schmidlin, F., Wild, J.D., Gelman, M.E., Miller, A.J., Kodera, K., Morel, B. and Bencherif, H., 2000, Temperature trends in the stratosphere and mesosphere: tidal interferences, in: 2nd SPARC General Assembly, Mar des Plata, Argentine, 6-10 November 2000 (available at www.aerov.jussieu.fr/~sparc),

Keckhut, P., Megie, G., Hauchecorne, A., Godin, S. and David, C., 2000, Stratospheric changes observed with lidar, in: Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Long-Beach, Californie, 9-14 January 2000.

Lambert, J.C., Granville, J., Van Roozendael, M., Goutail, F., Johnston, P.V., Muller, J.F., Pommereau, J.P., Russell III, J.M. and Sarkissian, A., 2000, Global behaviour of atmospheric NO2 as derived from the integrated use of satellite, ground-based network and balloon observations, in: Atmospheric Ozone. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000, 201-202.

Lambert, J.C., Granville, J., Van Roozendael, M., Sarkissian, A., Goutail, F., Muller, J.F., Pommereau, J.P. and Russell, J.M., 2000, A climatology of NO2 profile for improved air mass factors for ground-based vertical column measurements, in: Air Pollution Research Report 73. Stratospheric Ozone 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, 27 september to 1 October 1999, Saint Jean de Luz, France, N.R.P. Harris, M. Guirlet and G.T. Amanatidis (ed.), European Commission, 703-706.

Marchand, M., Godin, S. and Hauchecorne, A., 2000, Study of arctic polar vortex erosion from ozone lidar measurements performed at OHP (44°N, 6°S), in: Air Pollution Research Report 73. Stratospheric Ozone 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, 27 september to 1 October 1999, Saint Jean de Luz, France, N.R.P. Harris, M. Guirlet and G.T. Amanatidis (ed.), European Commission, 534-537.

Marchand, M., Godin, S., Hauchecorne, A. and Lefevre, F., 2000, Cases study of the photochemical effect of the arctic polar vortex erosion on ozone at mid-latitude, in: Atmospheric Ozone. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000, 207-208.

Petropavlovskikh, I., De Luisi, J., Theisen, D., Bojkov, R.D., Kosmidis, E. and Godin, S., 2000, Umkehr retrieval algorithm: assessment of uncertainties, in: Atmospheric Ozone. Proceedings of the Quadriennal Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000.

Salby, M., Callaghan, P., Keckhut, P., Godin, S. and Guirlet, M., 2000, Interannual changes of temperature and ozone, SPARC Newsletter, 15, 6-11.

Sarkissian, A., Goutail, F., Keckhut, P., Pommereau, J.P., Roscoe, H.K. and Slusser, J., 2000, Long series of total ozone measured by SAOZ network at polar circle, mid-latitude and tropics, in: 2nd SPARC General Assembly, Mar des Plata, Argentine, 6-10 November 2000.

Sarkissian, A., Richter, A., Van Roozendael, M., Lambert, J.C., Granville, J., Vandenberghe, J.M., Buchwittz, M., Kastad Hoiskar, B.A., Floisand, I., Tornkvist, K., Roscoe, H.K., Goutail, F. and Pommereau, J.P., 2000, Improved air-mass factors for ground-based total NO2 measurements: a sensitivity study, in: Air Pollution Research Report 73. Stratospheric Ozone 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, 27 september to 1 October 1999, Saint Jean de Luz, France, N.R.P.Harris, M. Guirlet and G.T. Amanatidis (ed.), European Commission, 730-733.

Schulz, A., Rex, M., Harris, N.R.P., Braathen, G.O., Kyro, E., Reimer, E., Alfier, R., Kilbane-Dawe, I., Allaart, M., Alpers, M., Bojkov, B.R., Cisneros, J., Claude, H., Cuevas, E., Davies, J., De Backer, H., Dier, H., Dorokhov, V., Fast, H., Johnson, B., Kois, B., Kondo, Y., Kosmidis, E., Litynska, Z., Mikkelsen, I.S., Molyneux, M.J., Murphy, G., Nakane, H., O'connor, F., Parrondo, C., Skrivankova, P., Varotsos, C., Vialle, C., Viatte, P., Yushkov, V., Zerefos, C. and Von Der Gathen, P., 2000, Chemical ozone loss rates in the Arctic stratosphere and their dependance on temperatures as determined with MATCH, in: Atmospheric Ozone. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000, 103-104.

Schulz, A., Rex, M., Harris, N., Braathen, G.O., Kyro, E., Reimer, E., Alfier, R., Kilbane-Dawe, I., Allaart, M., Alpers, M., Bojkov, B.R., Cisneros, J., Claude, H., Cuevas, E., Davies, J., De Backer, H., Dier, H., Dorokhov, V., Fast, H., Johnson, B., Kois, B., Kosmidis, E., Litynska, Z., Mikkelsen, I.S., Molyneux, M.J., Murphy, G., Nakane, H., O'connor, F., Parrondo, C., Skrivankova, P., Varotsos, C., Vialle, C., Viatte, P., Yushkov, V., Zerefos, C. and Von Der Gathen, P., 2000, Ozone loss rates with Match: arctic winters 1997/98 and 1998/99, in: Air Pollution Research Report 73. Stratospheric Ozone 1999. Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium, 27 september to 1 October 1999, Saint Jean de Luz, France, N.R.P. Harris, M. Guirlet and G.T. Amanatidis (ed.), European Commission, 448-451.

Dalaval, A., Flamant, P.H., Aupierre, M., Delville, P., Loth, C., Garnier, A., Souprayen, C., BRUNEAU, D., Le Rille, O., Wilson, R., Vialle, C., Rees, D., Vaughan, M. and Hardesty, R.M., 2001, Intercomparison of wind profiling instruments during the VALID field campaign, in: Advances in Laser Remote Sensing. Selected Papers presented at the 20th International Laser Radar Conference (IRLC), Vichy, France, 10-14 July 2000, A. Dabas, C. Loth and J. Pelon (ed.), Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 101-104.


Haut de la page


David, C., Bekki, S., Chazette, P., Berdunov, N., Godin, S. and Megie, G., 2001, Long-term monitoring of stratospheric particles at Observatoire de Haute-Provence and Dumont d'Urville, in: NDSC 2001 Symposium: 10 years of atmospheric research, Arcachon, France, 24-28 september 2001.

Godin, S., Garnier, A., Porteneuve, J., Marchand, M. and Hauchecorne, A., 2001, Long-term stratospheric ozone lidar measurements at OHP (44°N, 6°E), in: NDSC Symposium 2001, Arcachon, France, 24-28 september 2001,

Godin, S., 2001, Updated analysis of Umkehr, sondes and lidar records at OHP, in: Workshop on Understanding Ozone Trends, University of Maryland, U.S.A., 7-9 March 2001.

Godin, S., Marchand, M. and Hauchecorne, A., 2001, Study of the influence of the arctic polar vortex erosion on mid-latitude from ozone lidar measurements at OHP (44°N, 6°E), in: Advances in Laser Remote Sensing. Selected Papers presented at the 20th International Laser Radar Conference (IRLC), Vichy, France, 10-14 July 2000, A. Dabas, C. Loth and J. Pelon (ed.), Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 385-387.

Keckhut, P., Pinsard, F., Marchand, M., Bertaux, J.L., David, C., Godin, S., Hauchecorne, A., Vialle, C., Mcdermid, I.S., Leblanc, T., Bencherif, H., Posny, F., Hembise, O., Fierli, F., Hansen, G., Swart, D. and Pal, S., 2001, Validation of Envisat temperature and ozone profiles using NDSC ground profilers (Veto), in: Pre-launch Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of Envisat (ACVE) , ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 16-18 May 2001, ESA (ed.).

Riedinger, E., Keckhut, P., Hauchecorne, A., Collado, E and Sherlock, V., 2001, Monitoring water vapour in the mid-upper troposphere using ground-based Raman lidar, in: Advances in Laser Remote Sensing. Selected Papers presented at the 20th International Laser Radar Conference (IRLC), Vichy, France, 10-14 July 2000, A. Dabas, C. Loth and J. Pelon (ed.), Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 313-315.


Haut de la page


Vialle, C., 2001, La surveillance de l'atmosphère à l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence, Courrier scientifique du Parc naturel ré, 5, 140-151. Courrier scientifique du Parc naturel réginal du Lubéron.


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Rapports et Notes


Keckhut, P., Hauchecorne, A., Collado, E, Garnier, A., Riedinger, E. and Singh, U., 2002, Averaging methodology of raw lidar signal used for direct detection, Note des Activités Instrumentales de L'Institut Pierre Simon Laplace. Note n°19, Mars 2002, 15 p.